Visiting a church for the first time can be an uncomfortable experience so here’s what to expect…

Our Sunday Morning Worship starts at 9.45am but people begin wandering in from around 9:30am. Most use the time to meet and chat.


Just before the service begins those with kids drop them off in Kids’ Church, and head into the main church to take a seat.

We sing, some better than others, and then a speaker explains a passage from the Bible – its meaning and implications for our lives.

After the message we sing again, and the kids join the main church. A collection plate is passed around and you’re a visitor so you don’t put in.

Now is the time we worship as a full church family, so there is usually something “kid-friendly” an object lesson, a quiz, a video, or maybe puppets.

Information is given about upcoming events and other stuff before the service closes.

There’s more time to socialise, with drinks and often cakes and biscuits. At some point we gather up belongings and drift off home or elsewhere.

And that is just the start because during the week we meet in homes to study God’s word together and encourage each other to put it into practice in our lives. We call these meetings House Groups, and they’re the heart of our church.

Because Church is more than a service. It’s people living life together, helping one another and helping the communities where they live.