Be blessed December 2017

Simeon   Luke 2 v 21 – 40
Jesus has been born and now Mary and Joseph have to take him to the temple for him to be circumcised, this was the law, Jesus was a Jewish boy so they obeyed the law. They present their firstborn to God as in every family the firstborn belonged to God. They offer the required sacrifice which was “a pair of turtle doves or pigeons” for the purification of Mary. They were obviously a poor family because they brought the gift of those who “cannot afford a lamb”. Jesus was going to be brought up by a loving couple who loved God and obeyed God’s commands. They weren’t perfect but their love for God was real. How about us praying for families this Christmas that God would be at the centre of what happens?
As they finish all that had to done, Simeon comes into the temple where they are. Simeon is a lovely character. He loved God, loved being in God’s house. He longed to see the one God was going to send and he listened to the Holy Spirit. He was an old man but he had these lovely qualities. God has promised him that he wouldn’t die before he had seen the chosen one, the Messiah, the Christ.
It wasn’t by chance that he went into the temple when he did. The Holy Spirit moved him. This was to be the day God’s promise came true. He knew the Old Testament verses about the Messiah but there was no verse for him to go into the temple at that time on that day. I think this is a wonderful thing. We can know the verses and be looking for God to do something and keep his promises, but like Simeon there are times when there is no specific verse. That’s when the Holy Spirit “moves us” to where God has blessing for us. Simeon was moved physically by the Holy Spirit and that may be how God works in us, a thought we have is so compelling that we get up and go. It may be that we stay where we are physically but God moves us spiritually in our attitude or view of things. How about us really listening to what God has to say to us?
Simeon is thrilled when he sees Jesus. He blesses the family and speaks to Mary. His words are a bit odd, perhaps. He told Mary the impact her child would have in society and the world and that it would cause her pain. Was this about Mary at the cross? How about us willingly accepting God plans for our lives and those we love?
Be blessed,